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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


juz to share that i'm addicted to this games.. leh leka kalo trying to solve it sampai complete..

even kat opis, sometimes curik masa (bkn curik tulang yer encik2 & puan2) nak settle kan sampai abis.. hahahaha (ish ura...gelak cam curik tulang jer?) :)

ok..bebalik kpd games ni...nak terangkan sket jer pasal sudoku..

ape itu sodoku? iyenyer adalah sejenis pemainan yg difofularkan oleh org jepong dulu..pastu aku pon x sure bile malaysia terikut2 games ni temasukla aku ni...objective games ni adalah to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", "regions", or "sub-squares") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid. (credit to en wikepedia sbb aku cilok ayat die).. :)

wat masa ni dah ade 3 buku sudoku aku beli..1st buku aku ingat lagi..beli masa aku kat UTM JB.. tu pon aku curi2 wat masa kat kelas..wakakaka...konon2 tgh fokus tgk buku..jahat punyer olang..

konpem lect aku igt aku tgh concentrate ngn lecture die....(x baik tau....x ikhlas blaja namenyer ni)

tulih jawapan pun pakai pensel...sbb leh padam2..agak2 nak wat semula leh padam..sayang punye pasai kat buku tuh.....lagi 1 sbb igt leh la recycle buku tu...cit..kedekut taik idung masin tul... eh..mestilah kedekut...beli pakai duit sponsoring tau..kene la kedekut.. :)

then bile dah keje..beli lg 2..ni dah x kesah pakai pen..sbb ade duit (lebeyy skett jer) kalo2 nak beli baru...siap boleh bagi 1 tu kat member kalo2 die bosan.... baik ati kan cik ura ni..

so akg ni..dalam pemprosesan nak abih kan buku ke2 tu plak b4 move to the new book..target to complete by end of Jan 2010...chaiyookkk..

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